Originally launched as Go Fish Market but now rebranded to Fish Market, or simply 'The Fish', it's clear the team behind this darknet market has big ambitions and is determined to stand out from the crowd through its range of innovative features and unique design, which in fact makes it more than simply a market. Fish Market offers both physical and digital products, such as drugs, fraud, defense, software and forgeries.
Disclaimer: By using Fish Market for any form of transaction, you may be committing an illegal act in your country. The information provided here is for educational and research purposes and is not intended to promote any illegal activity. Any actions you choose to take are 100% your own responsibility.
Once logged in, you'll find yourself on the main landing page which contains links to all the different features including the most viewed product of the day and a range of live casino games.
Vendors can join without a fee if they are established and there is a 3% fee for sellers which can drop as low as 2.5%. This means Go Fish has some of the lowest fees of any market we've seen to date. Presumably this is down to them having a more diverse range of revenue streams such as the casino games, which we'll go into more detail about below.
The search results will show you a product description, shipping from location, price (in local currency) and the name of the vendor. If a product has previous feedback ratings, this will also be shown.
Past buyer feedback is visible at the bottom of the listing. This uses a star rating system from 1 to 5 (with 5 being the best) and factors in value, quality and stealth. Buyers can also leave comments.
You can also view information about a specific merchant by clicking on their name (on the right hand side of the listing). This tells you how many completed trades they have, when they last logged in, their terms of trade, and PGP key. Unfortunately, there's no ability to view feedback across an entire vendor's product range, so you have to check against individual products.
If you prefer to deposit to a market wallet, do this first then select 'Pay from balance' at the checkout. If you're opting for walletless pay (recommended since it avoids issues with crypto fluctuation) just go direct to the checkout and select the 'Generate XMR invoice' option.
If you do choose to deposit to a market wallet first, you must first be PGP verified. It is stated that this is to prevent phishing attacks. Paying via invoice post-checkout has no such PGP requirement however. When depositing via wallet, you are asked exactly how much you want to deposit, then issued with an invoice for this amount, for which you need to make payment within 1 hour. One other feature worth briefing mentioning is the ability to send XMR direct to another GoFish account, which is fast and easy and great if you want to send funds to a friend or alternate account.
Regardless of which payment option you choose, the system is very fast to detect your deposit and tells you how many confirmations have been processed in almost real-time, so this provides reassurance as a user that your deposit is on its way. This system automatically refreshes every 60 seconds, making it significantly more responsive than any other market we've come across to date.
Before making a cryptocurrency deposit, be sure you're not on a phishing site (check your onion link against those listed on Torhoo or one of the other sites recommended by Fish Market, such as Tor.Fish). Whilst not mandatory, we also recommend adding an XMR refund address, so if Fish goes down for any reasons (e.g. sustains a DDOS attack or suffers a major system failure), the administrators will be able to refund your account. Any account which hasn't logged in for 6 months will automatically be refunded any outstanding funds. A nice touch!
When entering in your shipping details, we strongly recommend PGP encrypting yourself for maximum security. If you're not yet familar with PGP encryption, we have a detailed guide on how to use PGP. Fish Market also provides a range of 50+ guides to which includes the use of PGP on Windows and Tails, so in this respect it is very noob friendly. The vendor's PGP key is made available on the checkout screen for maximum convenience, so there's no excuse not to.
Once confirmed and submitted, the order will show in your 'Orders' menu.
You have the option to cancel an order if the vendor does not accept within 3 hours. Once the vendor accepts, ships or cancels the order, you will receive a notificaton in the messages area.
The escrow window is 10 days by default, but you are encouraged to receipt once your order has arrived. At this point you can then mark it as received and leave feedback for the buyer.
In the event of an issue, you can raise a dispute. These can be self-settled if both parties can come to agreement (such as a 50/50 split), but in the event this isn't possible, a moderator will make the final decision. We always advise contacting the merchant in the first instance to try and resolve any issues before resorting to using the dispute process however.
Bidders will need to pay a small deposit in order to bid. This is calculated as a percentage of the previous bid. For example, the last bid was $100 at 5%; the security deposit is $5. Once they are no longer the highest bidder, the deposit will be refunded. The default is no deposit required to bid.
Have you been deplatformed elsewhere? We believe the free market is the ultimate arbitrator. Who would seek to get funded? Someone who is trying to raise money that is politcal in nature. A distributor may wish to expand but isn't well funded. Raise money here and offer backers a return on their investment. Standard protocol, no harm to self or others, no CP, etc. Self-doxxing for credibility is up to the organizer. Keep campaigns and comments civil.
Once your fundraiser is live, you can monitor progress in the 'Fundraiser' menu and you'll receive updates as donations come in.